Watt understands the importance of safeguarding your home from termite infestation. Our team of termite control experts provides prevention services both before and after construction, ensuring peace of mind for your home.
Our Services Include:
Termite Inspection: If your home has a termite infestation, our team of experts will perform a comprehensive inspection to identify the cause and extent of the infestation, as well as look for signs of termites in different areas of the home.
**Termite Extermination:** After identifying the cause and location of the infestation, we will offer a targeted termite extermination solution tailored to your needs, using baiting techniques both inside and outside your home.
Termite Prevention: Whether for a new build, an existing home, or a house where we’ve already addressed a termite issue, we will tailor a termite prevention strategy to meet the specific needs of each property. Our methods include:
Installing pipes under the house frame for termite killer distribution (only feasible before construction)
Applying spray treatments inside the house
Applying spray treatments outside the house
Setting up bait stations for termite prevention
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